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D&D / TTRPG One-Shots

Thursday, 14 March 2024 @ 19:30

Location: Visserstraat 18-A, 5612 BT Eindhoven

Every Thursday evening we host a One-Shot event. One-Shots are D&D or other TTRPG adventures that are played in a single session.

Weekly we try to get 5 a 6 GM's to run a table in D&D or other TTRPG rulesets and at different playing levels. It really doesn't matter if you are a beginner or expert player. All people are welcome. Our tables run in dutch and/or english (as we have a big expat community in the region in and around Eindhoven.)

Entrance fee for playing is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro for consumption credit.

Please check out our socials for more information about the D&D and TTRPG One-Shots

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/

Discord: https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH

Campaign #10 Dragonlance: shadow of the dragon queen

Game Master
Game table
Game table

the Dragonlance: shadow of the dragon queen campaign at gameforce eindhoven 

This is a private table and can't be registered for. Please contact the Game Master if you like to know more.
System D&D 5e
Level ?
Registered Players 6 (Max 6 Players)

Hell froze over

Game Master
Game table
Game table

Three lizard folk stand around a stone, cold wind blowing on their scales. They all observe this white rock that seems untouched by the sands of time. One of them is holding a scroll that appears to be made out of a seals hide with text in a difficult to read language. They seem to be muttering while intensely staring at this white rock. Until the eyes of one light up as he lays his hands on the rock and speaks up with a creaky voice. 

It will be a cold cold day when hell freezes over 

The writing lights up as the snow begins to swirl as the stone shatters. A large flash appears and as it fades a group of people appear standing in the snow. These shivering people seem to have nothing but the rags on their bodies and a desire for warmth. And as this frozen winterland gains some new companions the darkest pit of hell loses some of its most valuable patrons. And as they're standing there they feel a familiar hunger creeping up in their bodies.

For hell froze over and its been a while since you’ve sinned.

In this one shot your group will be more on the evil side of things. And you can be as evil as you want as long as you don’t make anyone uncomfortable or randomly attack or rob other pc’s.


You will start without your equipment and any items have to be gained during the session

fixed hp
For stats use point buy or standard array
No unearthed arcana or homebrew
Custom lineage/ races are allowed
Extra :

If there is anything you want to ask or want to communicate please contact me at thebozz9998 on discord. 


System D&D 5e
Level 6
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

The elephant in the zoo?

Sharon Pijs-Jansen
Game Master
Game table
Game table

You and your party are traveling from town to town, when you hear about something happening in the zoo's. There are some animals that seem to be going missing. While you do not know who is behind it, or why, you do start to wonder, how are they doing this??


I am a second time DM so please be gentle with me. 

  • All official content is allowed
  • No homebrew
  • No unearth arcana
  • For ability score use Standard Array or Point Buy
  • Custom Lineage / Races etc from Tasha's are allowed
  • You may each select 1 common and 1 uncommon magical item for free.
  • For HP use average.
System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

Call of Cthulhu campaign Session 7 "the cumberland gap is a fearsome place..."

Spip (any/all)
Game Master
Game table
Game table

Closed campaign for call of Cthulhu, session 7

Intrested in joining or do you have quesions?

feel free to message me on our discord: 



@ spiperino

This is a private table and can't be registered for. Please contact the Game Master if you like to know more.
System Call of Cthulhu 7e edition
Level -
Registered Players 4 (Max 4 Players)

Campaign session 4 -into the lost isle

Game Master
Game table
Game table

**Campaign setting**

This campaign setting will take place in the embercore. You're a person that has lived in this horrible place as long as you can remember.

You might have once supported the ideals of the empire or you were always against it. 

Maybe you finally had enough or something is forcing you to flee. Maybe some of the ideals still linger in your mind and you have a hard time leaving them behind. Either way somehow you find yourself in a search for something that can change your current situation. You're looking for the resistance. A group that only seems to exist in the hopes and dreams of the people struggling to stay alive. But you've found some clues that it's not just talk amongst the poor. You found out there might actually be a group hiding on the Lost isle. An island that once was alive until the empire cut it off completely. 

You gathered your courage and left your life behind in search for the resistance.

This is a private table and can't be registered for. Please contact the Game Master if you like to know more.
System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 6 (Max 6 Players)

Oops! All bards o_O

Sander / Savanc
Game Master
Game table
Game table

You are part of a group of performers. Each has their own speciality, but especially as a group you shine!

Your fame is known all over the entire world, across galaxies and planes, throughout heaven and hell, and even beyond!

Even though your agent only accepts the best gigs, he always manages to have your touring agenda completely filled.


Now you all are between tours. You are working on new material, and only do an occassional gig if it's really "reaaallyyyy" good (according to your agent).

Your agent has booked you and the group a "once in a lifetime" and "cannot say no" gig.

You find yourself on your way to the central portal area to beam yourself to your destination.

Good luck! Break a leg!



This session will be mainly role-playing in any way you want.


The following is applicable for this one-shot:

  • Level 7.
  • You may multiclass, but the first level and highest level of any class has to be Bard.
  • All official content is allowed.
  • No homebrew.
  • No Unearth Arcana.
  • For ability scores use Standard Array or Point Buy.
  • For HP use average.
  • Custom Lineage / Races etc. from Tasha's are allowed.
  • You may each select 1 common, 1 uncommon and 1 rare magical item for free.
  • You each also have 250 gold to spend on regular (non-magical) items before this session.
  • You may keep any gold you do not spend.
    (I see Potions of Healing as regular items, so buy as you like. Potion of Healing 50 GP each; Potion of Greater Healing 250 GP; Potion of Superior Healing 2500 GP)

Side notes:

  • Most important is having fun.
  • I remain fairly new at being a DM.
  • Rules are guidelines + goal is to have fun => if you want to do something fun then just say so and we'll figure out how that may go + DM decides how it plays out
  • If you have a question, don't hesitate to send me a message on Discord (Savanc#8239).
System D&D 5e
Level 7
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)