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D&D / TTRPG One-Shots

Thursday, 12 January 2023 @ 19:30

Location: Visserstraat 18-A, 5612 BT Eindhoven

Every Thursday evening we host a One-Shot event. One-Shots are D&D or other TTRPG adventures that are played in a single session.

Weekly we try to get 5 a 6 GM's to run a table in D&D or other TTRPG rulesets and at different playing levels. It really doesn't matter if you are a beginner or expert player. All people are welcome. Our tables run in dutch and/or english (as we have a big expat community in the region in and around Eindhoven.)

Entrance fee for playing is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro for consumption credit.

Please check out our socials for more information about the D&D and TTRPG One-Shots

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/

Discord: https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH

Welcome to the Jungle

Martin / OPtinnus
Game Master
Game table
Game table

You are a group of adventurers currently in the vicinity of Baldur's gate along the Swordcoast. Sadly business has been slow and cash is running out. While looking for a job to pay for tonight's stay at one of the inns you spot a strange letter on the notice board. The strange letter on the notice boards reads the following:

IN DIRE SEARCH OF ADVENTURERS! I need urgent assistance in private matters. Please come and find me at my estate near 'The Wide' in the upper city of Baldur's gate. Those able to fulfill my request shall be made rich beyond their wildest dreams. But be quick! Time is of the up most importance.

- S. Sylvane 

For this campaign:

  • All official content allowed
  • All races apart from Yuan-Ti pure bloods (for story purposes)
  • No unearthed arcana
  • HP is fixed
  • Either point buy or standard array is allowed for stats

Please create your character in this DnD beyond campaign




System D&D 5e
Level 2
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

Tyranny of Dragons #4 hop on/off campaign

Game Master
Game table
Game table

Hello and welcome to tyranny of dragons hop on/off campaign. 

you are a group of ragtag adventurers wanting to go up in life. 
As you first discovered the town of greenest in chaos and under siege, you rush in to give a helping hand. 

Deep in the night you and your group went to save as many civilian’s as possible. It was al hard and at some points dealy time, but in the end, you managed to get back to the keep with a large group survivors in tow. But with no way out you decided to just wait it out and see what would happen. But you didn’t have to wait for long, as a cultist scouting party managed to break in to one of the sealed back doors. Storming in to the courtyard slashing at what ever thee could see and sending the civilian’s in to chaos. Pushing back you managed to drive the cultist’s back but not before thee broke the final part of the door leaving it completely open.

With some quick thinking your group put together a improvised wall and laid some well thought out traps, as a new cultist party could not be far. Using your trap’s to the utmost you made quick work of the attackers. But your rest was not given to you just yet. As if it knew the Sault failed, the huge blue dragon came flying down and let lighting rain down on the keep. But you felt some thing was off and with a final plea you convinced the dragon to let you go, as it self-did not want to bee here.

At long last the rumble of thunder crashing down subsided as you waited hopeful for the first ray’s of Licht of the new day. But as hopeful as you were the cult did not give you the chance to resolve your self. With the first ray of light a blue half dragon walkt up to the keep with his band of followers, and in his midst captives. And with a battle cry he challenged one of you to fight till death, and in return he will let very one live. One of you sacrificed him self and with just a few blows the battle was over. The half dragon grind as he walkt off with his band in tow.

character creation rules
make a lvl 3 charecter

  • all official content allowed
  • no unearthed arcana 
  • point buy for stats
  • fixed hp
  • 150 pg if you want to buy items at normal boor value

message me on discord (Bavalon) for a link to the dndbeyond campaign page for easy character creation.

System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)
Game table
Game table


This is the next session of a bi-weekly campaign based on the module "Baldur's Gate: Descend into Avernus". Decisions that the characters make in one session will affect the next ones!

-All official content is allowed.

-No homebrew allowed.

-The Unearthed Arcana released the 18th of august this year is allowed and encoraged.

-Your characters MUST have an strong tie to Elturel and/or the Hell Riders.

-For stats you may use standard array or point buy.

-You get a free feat in character character creation!

-If you have any question, do not doubt to PMing here or in Discord (username Eo)

System D&D 5e
Level 6
Registered Players 6 (Max 6 Players)

Squatters at Torchwood Manor

Game Master
Game table
Game table

Torchwood Manor has been overrun with monsters! The governer is searching for a couple of murder hobos...Heroes to rid his house of this evil.

This game will be using the EZD6 ttrpg ruleset in the familiar medieval fantasy setting.

No rpg experience is needed

Premade characters will be available at the table.


  • Dice: 4d6 with pips
  • Miniature
System EZD6
Registered Players 4 (Max 4 Players)