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D&D / TTRPG One-Shots

Thursday, 19 January 2023 @ 19:30

Location: Visserstraat 18-A, 5612 BT Eindhoven

Every Thursday evening we host a One-Shot event. One-Shots are D&D or other TTRPG adventures that are played in a single session.

Weekly we try to get 5 a 6 GM's to run a table in D&D or other TTRPG rulesets and at different playing levels. It really doesn't matter if you are a beginner or expert player. All people are welcome. Our tables run in dutch and/or english (as we have a big expat community in the region in and around Eindhoven.)

Entrance fee for playing is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro for consumption credit.

Please check out our socials for more information about the D&D and TTRPG One-Shots

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/

Discord: https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH

The first steps in to unknown land

Martin / OPtinnus
Game Master
Game table
Game table

After A hard fight with zombies, skeletons, ghouls and dinosaurs you party, The Heroes of Baldurs Gate have left an impression on each and every spectator in the colosseum. With a heaft coin point in head you leave the Coloseum ready, walking towads the market district to stock up on the materials needed for your first adventure in the jungle. In the market disctrict you cross paths with a cleric who is looking for peope to escort her to the proxy camp, Camp vengance which is situated in the jungle maybe a day travel from Port Nyanzaru.

In port Nyazaru however is Syndra Sylvera waiting for you at the mansion of one of the 7 traders princes, still waiting for your party to get on its way and find out what this death cruse is about and how it can be stopped. What wil you do?...

For this campaign

  • All official content allowed
  • All races apart from Yuan-Ti pure bloods (for story purposes)
  • No unearthed arcana
  • HP is fixed
  • Either point buy or standard array is allowed for stats

Please create your character in this DnD beyond campaign




System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

Oh, ok... Guys, who let Tiamat out this time?

Miguel (he/him)
Game Master
Game table
Game table

So, some of you, and I am not going to mention who *coughs* the Ghost Kids *coughs*, played with fire until fire played with them and now, as expected, we have the soul of an alien undead insect rogue inside the body of the draconic evil goddess on the loose. Now, the ancient anarchist nation of Nomansland does not have an active army, but just a few regional small militias that mostly deal with drunks and lost sheep. So we need the help of great heroes that can save the land. Needless to say, the whole nation would owe you a debt of eternal gratitude for your bravery, and great honors and rewards will expect you.

Our spy druids discovered that the Cult of the Dragon is preparing a welcoming for their goddess on top of an ancient flying city. They have the artifact known as the Dragon Orb, which will allow them to signal every evil dragon in the peninsula that Tiamat is back and that they shall rally with her. Are you up for this showdown? 

-All official content is allowed.

-No homebrew is allowed.

-The success or failure on this mission will heavily affect the setting in future Ghost Kids adventures. The fate of all the nations is on your hands. No pressure.

-At character creation you get an extra "free" feat.

-If you write a minimum of 150 words of backstory for you PC, you can start the session with inspiration.

-In such short notice, the people of the nation could only offer 2500gp to each of you to get non magical purchases. You could use it from adventuring gear, to exotic mounts, to hire the services of a being, etc. 

-Our mages can give you an item of each rarity (uncommon, a rare, and a very rare). You may choose 2 items of the same rarity if they are consumables. (All magic items need DM approval)

-You can bring any character you have use on the Ghost Kids' adventures and level it up for this adventure. The mages of nomansland have just enough of the legendary lunar spice to bring you to level 15 for a day. It would be the last session with that character on the Ghost Kids, since  they will become leyends.

-Character death is on the table. 

System D&D 5e
Level 15
Registered Players 6 (Max 6 Players)

Star Trek adventures: A star beyond the stars

Game Master
Game table
Game table

“Captain’s log, Stardate 47515.4: We are in the remote Elicona sector, investigating the disappearance of the U.S.S. Alcubierre. After three days in this unpopulated region of space, we found a promising lead. Hours ago, long-range sensors detected a vessel and the presence of subspace interference. The ship is several parsecs outside Federation territory. The Alcubierre was on special assignment, testing new engine systems designed to exceed warp 5 without damaging subspace. I can only surmise that something went terribly wrong with the experiments.”

This star trek adventure is from the starter set. Basic rules are explained at the start (will take about 5 minutes). Star Trek adventures uses a 2d20 system, so your standard D&D dice set should suffice. The basic rules are explained in 5 minutes, and any advanced rule will be explained once it is relevant to the situation.

We will be going through the first mission of the starter set, and continue with the 2nd and possible 3rd depending on time.

mission 1 recap: The away team successfully entered the hangar bay and stunned some Romulans in the hallway close to the medbay. They are now in navigation, where they found an ensign from the ship who is still alive. Together they must now come up with a plan to take back the ship.


- Character sheets will be provided from the starter set box

- If you have some star trek ships/miniatures or other accessories, feel fee to take them with you.

System Star Trek Adventures
Registered Players 5 (Max 6 Players)
Game table
Game table

Your party has made quite a name for themselves after travelling and completing quests all around the land. A few days ago they were summoned by a royal letter. The queen needs the party to retrieve her only son and the heir to the throne. The party now finds themselves in the bustling city of the kingdom, nearing the castle to inquire about this quest. 

  • All official content is allowed
  • No homebrew
  • No Unearth Arcana
  • For ability score use Standard Array or Point Buy
  • Custom Lineage / Races etc from Tasha's are allowed

*For any and all questions feel free to shoot me a message on here or discord! (Username ligning#4792)

System D&D 5e
Level 5
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

The Mad Mages Morphing Monster Dungeon

Game Master
Game table
Game table

Your eyes, crusted over with sleep, slowly open, the room is dark and your head is pounding. You feel strange and your body aches from head to toe. You can see that you are in some kind of cage but that the doors have been wrenched off their hinges. You can see that your friends are also in cages, and also coming to. As your eyes adjust to the light, you see that you are in some sort of lab. How did you get here? How will you get out? Why does your body feel so weird?

  • This is a level 7 one-shot
  • All official content is allowed
  • No homebrew
  • No Unearthed Arcana
  • For ability score use Standard Array or Point Buy
  • Custom Lineage / Races etc from Tasha's are allowed
System D&D 5e
Level 7
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

The haunted one

Emily Cocu
Game Master
Game table
Game table

Welcome travelers,
When traversing through the woods you come across a big stone house that very much looks haunted. From inside you hear weird noises and in the dim light you see tiny flashes of blue light on the inside. You decide to investigate. 

- All official content is allowed
- No Unearthed Arcana or homebrew.
- For ability score use Standard Array or Point Buy
- Custom Lineage / Races etc from Tasha's are allowed.
- Starter gear only

My tables are beginnen friendly. If you need any help or have any questions feel free to send me a message here or on discord.

Hope to see you there!

System D&D 5e
Level 5
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)