Every Thursday evening we host a One-Shot event. One-Shots are D&D or other TTRPG adventures that are played in a single session.
Weekly we try to get 5 a 6 GM's to run a table in D&D or other TTRPG rulesets and at different playing levels. It really doesn't matter if you are a beginner or expert player. All people are welcome. Our tables run in dutch and/or english (as we have a big expat community in the region in and around Eindhoven.)
Entrance fee for playing is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro for consumption credit.
Please check out our socials for more information about the D&D and TTRPG One-Shots
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/
Discord: https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH
"Hell is other people."- Sartre
System | D&D 5e |
Level | 12 |
Registered Players | 5 (Max 5 Players) |
The story continues.
System | D&D 5e |
Level | 7 |
Registered Players | 5 (Max 5 Players) |
I've got a challenge for you!
Did you ever wanted to tour with 'the band'? Or did you ever wanted to be in office as a vice president?
This is your chance to make your dream come through!
So what is Fiasco?
Fiasco is a GM-less game for 3-5 players, designed to be played in a few hours with no preparation. During a game you engineer and play out stupid, disastrous situations,
usually at the intersection of greed, fear, and lust. It’s like making your own Coen brothers movie, in about the same amount of time it’d take to watch one.
But I don't know how to play, how does it work?
FIASCO is a roleplay & improve heavy game, centred around the relationships between characters and scenes. An explanation of the mechanics will be provided when we sit down. But trust me, it's rather intuitive.
And what's the story about?
Well that's the fun bit... the story will be created by you. And then it will spiral out of control...
Do I have to bring something to the game?
All the needed resources will be provided all you need is a good/working/an average set of brains... and the will to improvise a bit/a lot.
System | Fiasco |
Level | None |
Registered Players | 3 (Max 3 Players) |
your group is called the lucky legends why? because were most adventuring party's fight some goblins and save a town from an owlbear your group fell into an ancient treasure trove and discovered all the riches and magic items you could ever desire. And that's how the legend of the lucky's was born.
Your group has gotten news from maybe your greatest challenge yet. A knight from a far away land that gained control over all the kingdoms around him and founded the empire of lottra. He now openly challenges the strongest around him were The winners will get his kingdom and the losers will join his army.
This table is ran in English
Each party member has 4 attunement slots and you can have as many magic items of any rarity as you want and or need including artifacts. If you have the time please send me the items you have chosen, you can contact me at thebozz9998 on discord.
all official content is allowed
for stats use standard array or point buy
System | D&D 5e |
Level | 1 |
Registered Players | 4 (Max 5 Players) |
Hello and welcome to tyranny of dragons hop on/off campaign.
The story so far:
Your group of Harty adventurer’s is paving its way in the world.
after saving the town Greenest from the cult: Dragon Claw, you where sed by Leosin to seek out what thee where hiding in their camp. in the cam you found a cave with the leftover members of the cult ass all the others seem to have pickup and left the camp. you push and sneak your way deeper in to the cave seeking what can be so important that thee would leave a general behind. With one final push you get to the deepest part and its hard to believe what you see, Three Black Dragon eggs. No clew what to do next you ask Leosin via the sending stone, what the best course of action is. he tells you to come find him in the City: Elturel, and he will introduce you to a man who may be able to help in this matter.
character creation rules
all official content allowed
no unearthed arcana
point buy for stats
fixed hp
800 GP if you want to buy items at normal playerhand book value
Healing potions from normal to Supreme: 50>250>500>1000
1x Common magic item
1x Uncommon magic item
message me on discord (Bavalon) for a link to the dndbeyond campaign page for easy character creation.
System | D&D 5e |
Level | 5 |
Registered Players | 5 (Max 5 Players) |