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D&D / TTRPG One-Shots

Thursday, 4 May 2023 @ 19:30

Location: Visserstraat 18-A, 5612 BT Eindhoven

Every Thursday evening we host a One-Shot event. One-Shots are D&D or other TTRPG adventures that are played in a single session.

Weekly we try to get 5 a 6 GM's to run a table in D&D or other TTRPG rulesets and at different playing levels. It really doesn't matter if you are a beginner or expert player. All people are welcome. Our tables run in dutch and/or english (as we have a big expat community in the region in and around Eindhoven.)

Entrance fee for playing is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro for consumption credit.

Please check out our socials for more information about the D&D and TTRPG One-Shots

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/

Discord: https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH

The Goblin Infestation (Beginner Friendly)

Marc Dijkhuizen
Game Master
Game table
Game table

You are party of adventurers looking for your next job. On a quest board in the main city of Dawnstar, you see a quest that the Major of Wiggum has posted.
In big letters it says.


The note says to contact the major for more information.  
Your party takes the quest note and leaves for Wiggum, your party arrives a few days later. 

- All official content is allowed
- No Unearth Arcana
- No homebrew
- For ability score use Standard Array or Point Buy

This One-Shot is meant for beginners who want to try playing D&D for the first time, more experienced players are of course welcome at the table.
If you are new and need help making a character, or you have any other question, feel free to contact me on this website, but for a quicker reaction
send me a message on Discord at "Classymarc#4879"

System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

Don't open the box

Anna (She/Her)
Game Master
Game table
Game table

This is a rerun of a oneshot I've run before in December, if you've been at it before please be mindful of that fact!

After weeks of travelling the party finally comes across a town. In need of money, they spread the word they're looking for cash and are eventually asked to talk to the head of the family that's overlooking the town. In exchange for 5000gp they'll have to deliver this metal box to a sorcerer that lives on the other side of the forest outside of town, and the whole trip to and back would take no longer then a day. But the roads are dangerous, and the sorcerer is not very trustworthy of any visitors. Only one simple instruction has been given to the party: don't open the box.

  • All official content is allowed
  • No homebrew
  • No Unearth Arcana
  • For ability score use Standard Array or Point Buy
  • Custom Lineage / Races etc from Tasha's are allowed
    *For any and all questions feel free to shoot me a message on here or discord! (Username ligning#4792)
System D&D 5e
Level 4
Registered Players 4 (Max 5 Players)

It’s Never Sunny in Barovia

Miguel (he/him)
Game Master
Game table
Game table

Our fellow Ghost Kid comrade, Briar, which I am sure you can't remember her, since she has been cursed with being forgotten by everyone when she is not in line of sight, is leading an expedition to the Shadowfel. A priest of the Raven Queen told her to drink from the waters of Guacaipuro's temple. It will not be an easy task, since dispair is the law of the land in this forsaken plane. This temple, nonetheless, was one of the bases of Vecna, before he was defeated in Limbo a few months ago... so probably there is still a lot of treasure to loot for who is brave (and/or foolish) enough to raid this dark place.  

-All official content is allowed.

-No homebrew, nor non One DnD UA.

-This is going to be a two-shot! The next one being the 4th of may. 

-We are trying out the One DnD UA.

-Free feat at character creation.

-You can re-use any Ghost Kid character you have played with, including its items and gained features.

-Your character have been working with the Ghost Kids for over a year. You are a good pre-stablished team. 

-You have 2 weeks of downtime, in which your character can do any activity they like. You can PM me to talk about the outcome of it.

-Disclaimer: It could have themes of horror, dread and dispair. 

-If you have any question abour your character, the downtime, or anything in general; PM here or on my Discord Eo#6955. I will be really happy to talk with you about anything dnd related!

System D&D 5e
Level 4
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

Dungeons and Dragons "Bandits in the hills"

Game Master
Game table
Game table

Deepwood Village.

Trader Kelloughs recruits a party of adventurers to clear out bandits from their lair in the hills.
He offers free rations for a week in advance and 50 gold pieces per person.
Nice enough job for a party, just watch out for the goblins.

Kelloughs is a man in his fourties of stocky build, greyish hair and almost bald. He trades supplies to the local villagers for two years now.
Different people seem to have mixed opinions about the man.

Your party needs at least a fighter, healer, rogue and perhaps a mage.
Pre-made characters will be provided or bring your own.

System D&D 5e
Level Beginner to Intermediate Level (Level 3-5)
Registered Players 3 (Max 5 Players)

Lost mines of phandelver + Dragon of Icespire Peak #3

Game Master
Game table
Game table

Phandalin is a mining town that has seen a lot of trouble in its past. History seems to repeat itself, since a lot of problems are (re-)emerging. You and your adventuring group, who were looking for new adventures and people to help, have decided that helping out Phandalin is the next step in your adventure. Perhaps you can figure out why all of a sudden Phandalin and the surrounding regions are getting such problems.


This campaign is the third session of the campaign which combines the two starter sets of Lost mines of phandelver + Dragon of Icespire Peak. So it is ideal for new and beginner players. More experienced players can join the table, but preferably only if there are no other seats at other tables.

recap (spoilers):


The adventuring group decided to rest in Phandalin for the night. The next morning, news of their deeds have spread, and another adventuring group was willing to help them out. 2 of the new memebers could speak goblin, so they talked to the Goblin, where they learned about an internal conflict between the bugbear leader and his second in command goblin. Meanwhile, the other group went looking for an retired adventurer to help them in the upcoming fight in the cave. He was willing to help in exhange for the party helping him with the Redbrands. The Redbrands used to be a mercenary band who settles in Phandalin, but ever since the mayor got scared due to the white dragon, the Redbrands essentially took over.

With the information from the Goblin and the retired adventurer, the party was well prepared (perhaphs overprepared), and was able to easily dispatch of the bugbear. They also scared off the second in command, who was holding Sildar Hallwinter (the mercenary protecting the dwarf Gundren). From what he heard, the goblins took Gundren to a place called Gragmaw Castle. He doesn't know where it is, but maybe his contact in phandalin does. That contact did go missing though.

Meanwhile, the adventuring party encountered a young adult white in the distance, picking up a horse and taking it to Icepire Peak (presumably to eat it). The news of the white dragons getting so close to Phandalin has reached the mayor as well, who is now cowering even worse than before. This allows the Redbrands to become even more brazen in their attempts to extort the town, and by extention the adventuring group. What effect this will have on them is something they will found out soon enough when they return to Phandalin.


end recap


For character creation: If you want me to create a character for you, then send me the race/class and a (small) background story and I will create a character based on that description. If you want to make your own character, use the rules below:

-All official content is allowed (including Tasha's).

-No homebrew allowed.

-For the stats you can use either point buy or the standard array.

- Besides the default standard gear, Your character can take either 1 (non-magical) adventuring gear (you can find a list of what you can pick from here: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/adventuring-gear#toc1 ), or 1x the material components of a spell which cost money, with them.

System D&D 5e
Level 2
Registered Players 6 (Max 6 Players)

Campaign: Wild Beyond the Witchlight #20

Stefan Lenders
Game Master
Game table
Game table

The traveling extravaganza known as the Witchlight Carnival visits your world once every eight years. You have a dim memory of sneaking into the carnival as a child without paying for a ticket. That memory has grown foggy over time, though it still conjures a weird admixture of emotions—wonder and awe mixed with loss and regret. During this childhood visit, your character lost something. You tried to find it, but the carnival owners—a pair of elves named Mister Witch and Mister Light—were decidedly unhelpful.

“Silly little screeching cricket,” said Witch. “You forgot to buy a ticket.”

“The carnival goes round and round,” said Light. “The multiverse is our playground. Nothing’s free and nothing’s lost. Every visit has its cost.”

As time passed, your heart became less heavy, and you gave less and less thought to those childhood events. Now, for reasons you can’t explain, the longing to retrieve that which you have lost has resurfaced, as though an old spell has faded away, allowing you to feel the loss as sharply as if it happened yesterday.

The Witchlight Carnival has returned, and you find yourself standing near a ticket booth by the entrance at twilight, just as the carnival is about to open. There you meet others who look as troubled as you. Without knowing how or why, you sense that each of them has lost something as well. Perhaps fate has brought you together.

This is a private table and can't be registered for. Please contact the Game Master if you like to know more.
System D&D 5e
Level 8
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

In to the jaws of the serpent lord

Martin / OPtinnus
Game Master
Game table
Game table

After exploring the city of Omu your party has collected a collection of magic items that are said to unlock a door, what door and where the door is is still unknown to you... But you got invited in to the ruined palace of the city, maybe you can find more information there.

A quiet ride on a boat turned hostile after a group of red cloaked assailants attacked your boat on its way to the south side of the penitula of Chult. You, the heroes of baldur bravely fought off the red robed mennace and claimed their boat as your own. shortly after you reached your destination and laid anchor off the coast.

Landing your rowboats on shore you step on to a baren wasteland, in the distance you see mountain ridges and active vulcanos spewing smoke and ash in to the sky. 
In the middle you see and opening leading in to the jungle, in this direction awaits your destination of Omu. Omu is an abandoned city, but rumors speak of the Deaths curse originating from this place.

An abandoned city, nothing can be there right? its been like that for over 200 years, surely there is nothing looming there with evil intent? right...?

On your way there you have met a few note worthy characters:
- Drufi the ice giant and his two giant frost wolves, in search for Artus Cimber who currently is the current owner of a ring that is said to belong to the frost giants.

- Artus Cimber the human, wearer of the frost ring and current companion of your party. He has promised to aid the party in their search for the Soul Monger,
a device that is said to cause the Deaths Curse. In return he wants the party to help him with getting rid of the ring which he thinks is cursed.

- A rumor of red robed mages that were doing shady business around the albani basin close to where you party is currently traveling.

- Mention of a ziggurat west of the Mbala spires where a sage naga is suppost to take refuge, according to Artus she'll be able to help with the cursed ring in his possesion and may knows more asbout the death curse...

- Valindra has given you the location of 2 places of interest, the ruined city of Omu and the den of a dragon. she hasnt given more information about what kind of dragon lurks in the den.

Further information about previous sessions i will give at the table when we play.

For this campaign:

- You are currently level 8
- All official content allowed
- All races apart from Yuan-Ti pure bloods (for story purposes)
- No unearthed arcana
- HP is fixed
- Either point buy or standard array is allowed for stats

- new players are allowed to add one common or uncommon magic item to their inventory

Link to DnD beyond to make your character:

For any questions reach out to me on discord OPtinnus#3741

System D&D 5e
Level 8
Registered Players 6 (Max 6 Players)
Game table
Game table

The year is 1918, the great kingdom of Russia fell and people scatter to all directions of the wind.
Your stated mission is simple, escort Count Alexander Alexanderov and family to Alaska far away from the Bolsheviks and the revolution.
However the winds have changed as the Bering strait turns hostile, almost as if nature does't allow the count to escape judgement for his warcrimes.

The air turns cold as strange forces seem to pull at the ship


This week I'll be running a Call of Cthulhu game for those intrested, it will include intresting horror-esq settings, thrills and scares that might not be suited for the everyone, concider this an introduction to the system, so this table will be beginner friendly.

Due to the nature of the game pre-generated characters will be provided for those intrested but feel free to bring your own dice, for questions, sugestions of furder information feel free to message me using our reservations, alternativly you can also find  me over at our discord: Spip#8278


System Call of Cthulhu 7e edition
Level -
Registered Players 3 (Max 4 Players)