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D&D / TTRPG One-Shots

Thursday, 28 July 2022 @ 19:30

Location: Visserstraat 18-A, 5612 BT Eindhoven

*English below*

Elke donderdag avond organiseren wij onze One Shots evenement. One Shots zijn D&D of andere TTRPG avonturen speelbaar op één avond.

Wekelijks bieden steeds 4 GM's hun D&D of andere TTRPG avonturen aan, van diverse spelsystemen en speel niveaus. Je hoeft geen ervaring te hebben met roleplaying voor de beginners tafels, maar bij een hoger level is dat wel erg handig.

Entre voor de speelruimte is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro aan consumptie tegoed.

Every Thursday evening we host a One-Shot event. One-Shots are D&D or other TTRPG adventures that are played in a single session.

Weekly we try to get 4 GM's to run a table in D&D or other TTRPG rulesets and at different playing levels. It really doesn't matter if you are a beginner or expert player. All people are welcome. Our tables run in dutch and/or english (as we have a big expat community in the region in and around Eindhoven.)

Entrance fee for playing is 3.50 euro + 1.50 euro for consumption credit.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/">https://www.facebook.com/groups/dndgameforceeindhoven/

Discord: https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH">https://discord.gg/QxjjqWa7RH

The Vanthampur conspiracy

Miguel (he/him)
Game Master
Game table
Game table

After eliminating the evil Cult of the Dead Three, our intrepid heroes discovered that the most powerful family in Baldur's Gate, the Vanthampurs, is behind the chaos in the city, and also are somehow linked to the fall of the city of Elturel. But how? And why? Those are the questions that the party will try to answer in this session, while the Vanthampurs and their web of imp spies are searching for our heroes. Do you have skills to navigate this dangerous conspiracy?

This session is part of a bi weekly semi campaign in which new players are always welcome to join in. Every time your character participates, it gains an extra xp for the next games so you can comeback leveled up!

-All official content is allowed.

-No homebrew nor Unearth Arcana allowed.

-Your character gets a free extra feat!

-Your character must have a connection with the Hell Riders and/or Elturel. 

-The character stats can be done by using standard array or point buy.

-My table is begginer friendly. Everyone is welcome to join! 

If you have any questions, do not doubt to PM me here or in Discord (username Eo).

System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 5 (Max 5 Players)

A stir in the mist

Spip (any/all)
Game Master
Game table
Game table

"the year is 1923, and as the world charges into the 20th century rapidly the town of Arkham seems to stand still after the grusome string of murders and everyone seems suspect but there must be a clear and logical explenation behind it all... right?" 


This week I'll be running a Call of Cthulhu game for those intrested, it will include intresting horror-esq settings, thrills and scares that might not be suited for the everyone, concider this an introduction to the system, so this table will be beginner friendly.

Due to the nature of the game pre-generated characters will be provided for those intrested but feel free to bring your own dice, for questions, sugestions of furder information feel free to message me using our reservations, alternativly you can also find  me over at our discord:


Hope to see you there! 

System Call of Cthulhu 7e edition
Level -
Registered Players 4 (Max 4 Players)
Game table
Game table

The dreamscape landscape of Drivelon shifts and changes constantly. A small river meandering softly through a vast canyon can shift to a vast ocean in matter of minutes. In Drivelon, one gets the distinct feeling of being watched, but if one would look behind, no one is there. In the town of Windshade, the people don't seem to care they are being watched, and act like they have nothing to hide.  However visitors in this strange land can't be sure whether they looked at the same place when given a second glance, since the hills and landscape curls and twists so quickly. One thing remains the same however in this ever-changing landscape: The grim statues of an ancietn civilization down a never-changing ruin about a mile Northeast of Windshade.

Each year, the town of Windshade sends 5 villagers into the barren lands up North, three of them serve as an offering to Midthralx, sent to a cave only to never return. The other 2 villagers are chosen during a festival, called the Festival of Dreams where these villagers volunteer (or are volunteered) in a holy ritual. One villager is chosen to represent the ever-changing dream, a fantastical dream of this landscape to be reborn in the beauty it once used to be before the arrival of Midthralx.  The other represents the gloomy nightmare the town would await if Midthralx doesn't accept the offering this year.

The characters don't know how they arrived in this strange place, the last thing they remember is that went to sleep. Upon waking up, they seem to have been transported in this bizarre place. The player characters volunteer to go in place of the villagers this year, or a desperate parent of a volunteer begged them to go and save their child instead. There's rumored a great many treasures kept within the cave, both from the yearly offerings made by the village, and  spoils that Midthralx has gathered over the years they loomed these lands.

-All official content is allowed.

-No homebrew or Unearthed Arcana  is allowed.

- Characters are required to either have volunteered themselves, or be approached by a man who's daughter was volunteered, and help them/her out instead.

- Character stats are done by point buy (or standard array).

- Hit points are not rolled, one takes average instead.

- No limitations on experience levels (Beginners to Veterans are all welcome), but the Level is somewhat on the higher end (Level 10), so keep that in mind.

-Starting equipment is used, with an additional 2000gp and 1 potion of healing, and 1 potion of greater healing. Each player also can choose 1 uncommon magic item, and 1 rare magic item from the following list (+1 armor, Belt of Hill Giant Strength, Boots of Speed, Bracers of Defense, Cloak of Displacement, Flame Tongue, Mantle of Spell Resistance, Ring of Protection, Ring of Spell Storing, +2 Shield, Staff of Healing, Sword of Life Stealing, Vicious Weapon, +2 Weapon, Amulet of the Devout +2, All-Purpose Tool +2, Arcane Grimoire +2, Bloodwell Vial +2, Moon Sickle +2, Rythm Maker's Drum +2, Rod of the Pact Keeper +2, or Devotee's Censer)

-I will have some pre-generated characters as well, but creating one own's character is preferred.

If there are still any questions, you may send me a message here or in Discord (onlydeathitself#3364).


System D&D 5e
Level 10
Registered Players 4 (Max 5 Players)

Homebrew Campaign - session 12

Game Master
Game table
Game table

The story continues.

This is a private table and can't be registered for. Please contact the Game Master if you like to know more.
System D&D 5e
Level 6
Registered Players 4 (Max 4 Players)
Game table
Game table

You and your party are in deep trouble now!

Why o why, did you gamble with the money you were supposed to bring to the duke of Orleans?
And loose all of it in one evening!

The duke has called upon his vigilantes to get his money back. Or your heads. No preference.

And now they have found you. While you are still sitting at the gaming tables.
With one last win-all-loose-all effort in mind: to win the duke's money back.....


A beginners friendly table.

System D&D 5e
Level 3
Registered Players 4 (Max 4 Players)